Blog: Less is more
At some point in my journey in audio, probably later than I really should have realized, I had the veil lifted from my vision. While working with some of the greatest music and television production mixers on the planet, I realized something. They weren’t doing much as far as processing is concerned. All the eq...Continue reading...
Studio News: Ahmed Kharem in the studio this weekend working on some electric guitars
Today we had Ahmed Kharem in the studio. He came in and was laying down some electric guitar tracks for his upcoming album we’ve been slowly tracking the past few months. We had a blast working on creating some atmospheric textures to layer into his song “Even Keel”. Keep watching this space for more news...Continue reading...
BLOG : Why the new audio console?
If you haven’t visited us in the last year or so, you haven’t realized we completely swapped out the Solid State Logic 4032 analog console for a Lawo Mc56mkii 48 fader digital desk. Why you ask, well lets dig into that a bit. First of all we went Lawo because they were...Continue reading...
Studio News: New Website for 2025!
We are thrilled to officially launch the new website for the studio! Its been many years with the old site and due to how it was hosted it was rather difficult to keep it updated. Hopefully with the new website we can update much more often with all our thoughts and news. Home...